These are the two babies of the family. It seems like we have always had a little one to hold and rock and keep close. Well, the youngest is Mr. Brody who is now 4 years old then Ms. Josie who is 5 going on 10. They are both very smart kids and they love to run and play like all kids do. Josie has lovely long hair and she loves for it to just hang loose. No bows or barrettes. Kim, her mom, has tried through the years but nothing ever stays very long in the hair. I guess Josie is the one I have spent the least amount of time with. That I believe is because she is the first and only girl on her mothers side of the family. Her grandparents on her mothers side have absolutely just been there for her since day one. Linda loves to buy the little girlie clothes and everything else that she can buy for Josie. I used to do that for Whitney when she was a baby and it was wonderful. My life was somewhat different when Josie was born and I was not able to give the monetary things and I was working so I had less time to spend with her. I would babysit some at night for them to go out and that was when I had special time with Josie and Ryley. Jason has amazed me with Josie. He loves his little girl so very much and would absolutely give his life for both his children. Both Jason and Kim are good parents and have a lovely home for their children and Jesus is truly welcome in their home.
Brody was one of those special children that God says, "Here I want you to raise this child as if he is your own". When Bun and Ken started talking about adopting I thought they were crazy. Here they had, Chris, Whitney, Kenny and Tori and they wanted another one? I was no encouragement to them at all. In fact I truly tried to discourage Bunnie, never saying much to Ken at all. I know I must have broken Bunnie's heart several times when she would be so excited and I just wouldn't want to talk about it. Well, God took both my feet and inserted into mouth and said........You will will love this child,and he will be your grandchild". The day they got off that plane from Russia and I say this precious child my heart just melted. It was instant, a love just as great as any I had for Josie, Ryley, Tori, Kenny or Whitney or Chris. And he remains just as sweet and precious as the rest. Bun and Ken have been great parents to Brody. He is such an easy child to love. Since I lived in an apartment above their garage Brody had everyday access to me. I truly have been blessed with the sweetest grandchildren God ever put on this earth. I believe that.......................
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