Friday, July 10, 2009


Well, if you thought you were going to get a great revelation I apologize. I think about this a lot, wondering WHY? About the only conclusion I can come up with is if God is involved we don't always have a PAT answer. In fact most times NOT!


We can look at others and see the things that they have gone through and wondered how did they do that? Anyone that knows Jesus as their Saviour knows that we do all things because of the GRACE of GOD.! He is our strength.


But WHY does GOD allow such painful,hurtful things to happen, even to His children? I can only tell you what I think, which is worth about zero cents in spiritual money.


When we are driving down the highway and we come across a wreck, we automatically slow down, knowing we too were driving too fast. When someone gets lung cancer we start thinking about how long we smoked and should we stop, or someone loses a child and we start really paying closer attention to our own children, or we see someones son becoming an alcoholic or daughter becoming a drug addict...........I could go on and on. After each one of these instances cross our lives we take action usually immediately, but as human beings we eventually forget the seriousness of the deed and go back to our old ways of doing and thinking.


There are a lot of us that are not motivated enough to stay focused to do what God instructed us to do on a daily basis. Be fishers of men, go out into the world and feed my sheep, turn the other cheek, give your last coat to someone who has none, FORGIVE, LOVE and Jesus goes on and on in HIS WORD.


If our world is not rocked.........we tend to stay where we are, content in our little world, minding our own business and hoping no one intrudes.


That my friend is why I think God allows things to happen to people. We have such short attention spans we need constantly reminding that there are people out there that need us, but most of all need Jesus. Get up off your whatever and look around, everyone in your family maybe just hunky dorey right now and Praise God if that is the case. More reason to find a way to be a blessing to someone else. But if you have gone through a tragedy or maybe witnessing a life that is being destroyed by outside sources or substances, find a way to help. Ask God and He will point you to a place that needs many people like you that want to help others find Jesus and peace.


I am reminded that I need to get off my royals and find the place God has for me to be a servant to others. I know God will show me and I pray He will show you also. God is good, He just loves us so much He is willing to let us help HIM touch others. God Bless you and yours,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Heavenly Home....the way we see it maybe.

Thank you Judy Oliver for doing these pictures of Susanne for me. I can't believe you even had a picture of her. I will always love these pictures and have shared them with with everyone in the family. We were very limited to the pictures we had of her anyway because of the fire back in 1989 I think. Posted by Picasa


Thank you Judy Oliver for this beautiful picture of Susanne. I love
you for it always.
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Friday, June 19, 2009

We All Need A Motivator............

God is so very good. Just when you think He has done
all He is going to do in a certain situation He shows you He is never finished while we are on this earth. I have just been so enlightened with the people He has brought back into my life these past few days. I know all of you have heard of "Facebook". I have been on it for a few months just sort of playing around and getting back in touch with some friends. I had the most wonderful surprise when one day a precious friend of Susanne's contacted me and asked me to be her friend. Lynn Hathorn, then Eddie McQueen and then Jason Harper. It has brought me back to some very good memories that I thought were gone. The kids have grown up into fine beautiful adults and God has let me know they still remember my little Susanne. If some of you may remember I began this blog in hopes of remembering more about Susanne since it seems that I was very limited to the few memories I had.
It has been 28 years since Susanne went to be with Jesus and today has been a very special day indeed. God used these precious kids to motivate me once again and it has been great. It has been so special to go back in time and remember the good times. So let me say "Thank you Lynn, Eddie and Jason". Just to be remembered is a really good thing. God Bless each one of you and your families.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tennessee in May 2009

Kenny trying to water a plant.
Jason is comforting Bunnie.....

Jason is comforting Kim

Ryley and Josie

Brody telling me the time by his new watch

Whitney, Brody and Bun trying out the new hammock

Jason popping popcorn....not easy

Wayne and Jason relaxing

Tori, Ken, Brody and Bun on their way to church

Josie, Brody, Ryley, Tori and Kim way down on the end

Saying farewell to Whitney as she heads to Kanakuk

All in all it was a very full 10 days in Tennessee this trip. We got to see everyone before they all started going their separate ways. We were able to go to the airport to see Whitney off, go to revival at Calvary 4 nights which was awesome. Help Kenny throw his girlfriend a birthday party , Sweet 16, cook a big pot of seafood gumbo, chicken etouffee, spaghetti and even ate out a time or two. All in all it was a great visit and the weather was wonderful, it got down to 32 one night which is what Wayne always looks forward to. ha ha.......

Monday, April 13, 2009

Gone Fishing

I have to admit it was really very nice being out on that water with the wind blowing in your hair and looking at all the nature that surrounds you. We saw ducks with baby ducks tagging behind, big white cranes and grey cranes and believe it or not I saw a real live alligator. I immediately wanted to run! I remember seeing them in the movies where they just slid off the bank, go under water and pops up right beside your boat. Well that did not happen, I don't think the alligator even saw us or was not interested. I was a little shell shock so I did not think to take a picture of this little Louisiana pet. Wayne turned into a different person in that boat out in the water. I could see his whole attitude change, a happiness and joy and total relaxation came over him. It was amazing. He really misses his boat that he had to sell but he is also thankful for the boat he is using now. His dear friends wife, Rosie, has insisted that Wayne take Sonny's boat this summer and use it to fish as much as he wants. It was my first time to ever go out on a bass boat and see first hand all the things that Wayne has told me about. We only caught one little catfish, for some reason the fish just weren't cooperating but somehow it just didn't matter. We both enjoyed the day so very much and even got a little sun and enjoyed a day like no other we have shared before. So if you have a chance be sure and "Go Fishing".

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Turner Bear

Whitney I just found this picture and it made me smile
so big. I know you remember Turner Bear and everyone
else does also. He was one of your best friends for awhile. When I bought this bear for you, I also sent you the adoption papers
and you faithfully named him and took care of him for many
years. I wish I had a picture of you sleeping in his lap. Turner Bear made the trip from Edmond, Ok to Johnson City Tn when you moved. Your dad sat him in the front seat with sunglasses on. It made many a motorist smile. Just another memory I wanted to share with you while we are on this memory lane. Love you, WA

Monday, April 6, 2009

Twenty-one........She's Grown

Thank's for giving me Whitney!

I was asked to do a little story about the life of Whitney as I remember it to this point. I know most people can only take so much of listening to a grandmother go on and on about her granddaughter! But that is okay. This particular blog is written strictly for Whitney. Feel free to share with me if you would like but this is my little gift to my first granddaughter who is now turning 21 years old. ! Can it be!!!!!
Not too long ago did Ken call and tell me Bunnie had just given birth to the most beautiful little girl ever. From that point on Whitney was mine, I just let Bunnie think she was the mother. ha ha Just joking but Whitney became a huge part of my life.

Whitney came and filled the huge void that was left in my life when Susanne was taken from me. I found out I could laugh and smile and enjoy life again. Bunnie and Ken were so gracious to share her with me and I came alive again.
We were best buddies for many years. We would do everything together when I would visit them. It was wonderful. One time we were riding in the car and I ask Whitney to pray with me about a very special person in my life and she said ok........and she did right there in the car. I was so impressed. We did lots of artsy craftfy things together, baked cookies, stayed up late and watched movies and preachers. Yes, even at a young age she would watch preachers on tv with me.
Then something happened. Whitney began to grow up and she really out grew me. I grieved that process more than she will ever know. But that is the way life is supposed to be and it would have been wrong for me to try to hold on too tight.
She has blossomed into a beautiful young woman that I am so proud of. She is such a blessing to me and all her family. She inspires me, she encourages me and blesses me. You can't write about everything but I can truly tell you I know that Whitney has prayed for me many prayers along with every teacher she ever had in elementary school. Every time she was asked did she have a special prayer request she would say yes, "my grandmother". And I know God heard everyone of those prayers and I can truly thank her for God sending me a wonderful man in my life who loves me so very much. She prayed for this I know.

Whitney you are so very special to me, there are not enough words in the English language to tell you. But I thank your mom and dad from the bottom of my heart for sharing you with me as well as Kenny, Tori and Brody. But you were the one that God used to open my heart and teach me to love and trust again. I love you sweetie and pray God's blessings upon you, more than you can contain. Blessings to you.
