Not too long ago did Ken call and tell me Bunnie had just given birth to the most beautiful little girl ever. From that point on Whitney was mine, I just let Bunnie think she was the mother. ha ha Just joking but Whitney became a huge part of my life.
Whitney came and filled the huge void that was left in my life when Susanne was taken from me. I found out I could laugh and smile and enjoy life again. Bunnie and Ken were so gracious to share her with me and I came alive again.
We were best buddies for many years. We would do everything together when I would visit them. It was wonderful. One time we were riding in the car and I ask Whitney to pray with me about a very special person in my life and she said ok........and she did right there in the car. I was so impressed. We did lots of artsy craftfy things together, baked cookies, stayed up late and watched movies and preachers. Yes, even at a young age she would watch preachers on tv with me.
Then something happened. Whitney began to grow up and she really out grew me. I grieved that process more than she will ever know. But that is the way life is supposed to be and it would have been wrong for me to try to hold on too tight.
She has blossomed into a beautiful young woman that I am so proud of. She is such a blessing to me and all her family. She inspires me, she encourages me and blesses me. You can't write about everything but I can truly tell you I know that Whitney has prayed for me many prayers along with every teacher she ever had in elementary school. Every time she was asked did she have a special prayer request she would say yes, "my grandmother". And I know God heard everyone of those prayers and I can truly thank her for God sending me a wonderful man in my life who loves me so very much. She prayed for this I know.
Whitney you are so very special to me, there are not enough words in the English language to tell you. But I thank your mom and dad from the bottom of my heart for sharing you with me as well as Kenny, Tori and Brody. But you were the one that God used to open my heart and teach me to love and trust again. I love you sweetie and pray God's blessings upon you, more than you can contain. Blessings to you.
Oh Mom! I love it.
I am so glad, I hope that it will make Whitney smile just as I did when she gave me the basket of memories for Christmas. What a girl....sorry I am missing her party I really am. A cajun one at that........................
One grandmother never tires of hearing another grandmother talk about her "little ones", no matter how grown up they think they are. Happy 21ST Birthday Whitney. Keep praying with and for your Waner. We, as grandmothers, always need all the prayers our "little ones" can send up for us.
You are a special young lady.
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