Sunday, November 30, 2008


I Corinthians 13

Love never fails...

Love suffers long and is kind,

Love does not envy;

Love does not parade itself;

Love is not puffed up;

Love does not behave rudely;

Love does not see its own;

Love is not provoked;

Love thinks no evil;

Love does not rejoice in iniquity;

Love rejoices in truth;

Love bears all things;

Love believes all things;

Love hopes all things;

Love endures all things;

Loves never fails;

When I was a child,I spoke as a child;

I understood as a child, I thought as a child;

but when I became a man, I put away childish things;

Abide in faith, hope, love, these three;

but the GREATEST of these is

I painted this on a chest for my grandson
several years ago. My intentions when
I took this picture was to write about all the
cute little things I have painted in the
last 5 years or so. This sweet lady took me
into her painting world and taught me
a little of what she knows.

It opened a whole new world up for me.
I was able topass hours of time by painting.
Then I started giving thingsto friends and family
that I had painted. Helped decorate

a few pieces of furniture etc for my
grandchildren's rooms.

This is the only picture I took of any of
my painted pieces. And as I looked
at it I was so reminded that
this scripture says it all. We must
love.......without love nothing
else matters.
Love is the GREATEST...

Thank you Tena for all the time, energy,
paint, brushes, paint books and advice
you gave to me. It opened a whole
new world up for me. I pray
that God will heal your
hands and that you will be
able to start painting again.
I am trying to teach my little
Tori and Ryley everything
I know about painting................
pass the baton thing ya know.

Love is a mighty great tool to use
when trying to reach people
in the name of the Lord.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Welcome to our world!

I am so glad that my cousin Donna Lynn and her husband decided to try and have a Family Thanksgiving Dinner on Aunt Vestelle's side of the tree. As I mentioned earlier, Aunt Vestelle is the last of the siblings in her family. There was Uncle Jack who lived in Chicago, Uncle Junior who lived in Baton Rouge, Aunt Lorene, Aunt Evelyn and my mother, Audrey , all of Baton Rouge for most of their lives. Seems as though our pictures are getting smaller and smaller. All the branches that stem from this tree have spread and gone in so many directions that we will probably never get them all together at the same time .
Sam represented Aunt Lorene's family, I represented my mother's family, Audrey, Donna and Opal represented there mom, Aunt Vestelle, and Bernita and Jackie, Aunt Evelyn. Bart my brother who lives in Arkansas was not able to come and Jerry, Sam's brother was not able to come. So we find it is getting harder and harder to have these little get-to-gethers....
We had a great day, the food was plentiful and wonderful and we got some great pictures to help with the memories when our children and grandchildren are looking trying to figure out who all these strangers are. We have so much to be thankful for. My sister, Brenda went to be with the Lord several years ago and we all miss her dearly. Sixteen children came from these 6 siblings, and from that came more than 21 grandchildren, I lost count. I am sure that my brother Bart or Sam is going to write me and correct me on this. ha ha
My point is.......we have to work at staying close to each other and keeping up with what is going on in each other's lives. Today was a good day to do some catching up and renewing friendships and being reminded how blessed we are indeed.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My goodness I can not believe it has been a month
since I have written. Wayne and I have just
returned from the Smokey Mtns. where we go to
visit my children and grandchildren. It would be hard to try
to fill in all that has been going on so I will just take
this time to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving
with your families. We will be having lunch with family
on my mother's side. Aunt Vestelle is the only sibling
left and her daughter, Donna, has invited all of
us to her home to share Thanksgiving with them. It will
be nice to see everyone again. I guess the last time
I saw everyone was when my mother died 2 years ago
this coming March.
I have so very much to be thankful for. This coming
March I will be 66 years old. When I think back as
much as I am capable of remembering I am reminded
that the good outweighs the bad every time.
So Blessings on all of you and I thank you for
being my friend.