This precious picture would not have been possible if Bunnie and Ken had listened to me. Just goes to show you us "moms" dont always know everything. God knows before we are born how He is going to bless us. Sometimes we dont always see things as a blessing but God knows from the beginning to the end.
Bunnie is my first born. I can remember when she was born. Gulfport, MS, August 27, 1964. When I look back now and I can remember parts of her birth. I knew I was ready to be a mother and that I was confident I would do an excellent job of raising her. I guess in a way memory loss can be a blessing because I am not haunted by the mistakes I made while she was growing up. I remember tidbits of her childhood. Some of the pictures that I have been able to salvage after our house burned have helped tremendously. I dont have many of her after she was an infant but some of her school pictures. Back then we didnt take lots of pictures like everyone does this day and time.
I thank God for my children every day. Each one is a blessing and certainly a gift from God. Seems like it was l00's of years ago to try to think back to the early 60's and 70's. Time does fly.................
There have been so many times that Bunnie would try to help me remember things, her school days, when she had children, Whitney, Kenny and Tori. Each one of the grandbabies had their special place in my heart and the pictures Bunnie has taken through the years have helped .
I know I went to school. Istrouma Elementary, Istrouma Jr. High, Istrouma High finally graduation from Baker High in 1961. I have no recollection of every attending elementary, Jr. High and only about 10% of high school at Istrouma. I do remember a little more about my senior year but very little.
After graduation I worked some and dated some. I am now married to a man that tells me we dated in 1961 and early 1962 and I know we did. I just dont' remember it. When I met Wayne last year at my mothers funeral I knew when I saw him that I loved him. I can't tell you how I knew that. I had not specific thought or rememberance of him except I knew I loved him. I know that sounds crazy but it is the truth. There was something in his eyes and the way he walked and talked, I knew this man, I just couldnt remember him.
I always told everyone I knew for any length of time about Wayne. It went sort of like this...........I dated this guy and I thought we were going to get married but at some point after he went off to bible school to study to be a Church of Christ preacher, he wrote me a letter. A dear john letter with my 8X IO picture telling me he did not love me and that was that. I remember that part because I called him, asked him if he meant what he said, he said yes and I hung up. Threw the picture on the floor and cried. I would tell people it was because God knew I would never make a church of Christ preachers wife. Well that part was definitely true.
So I went on with my life, married and had Bunnie. Then along came Susanne on October 1, 1968 and then 8 years later came Jason, August 24, 1976. I guess I remember more about Jason and his childhood days than I do Bunnie's or Susanne.
I will take this in small steps so I think I will stop for now.
1 comment:
Hi LaJuanah ... you stopped by my String A Pearl blog and left the sweetest blessing. I just had to come looking for you. I'm older than you by a couple of years but I feel a sister hood to you through Christ Jesus. Dear heart, just reading your blog it is apparent that you and your family have been through some soul brusing sorrows. I will visit you from time to time and I wll pray for your grandson's knee surgery and your beautiful family.
May they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.
Judges 5:31
Joy & Selah
Lyndi McCartney
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