Have you ever wondered about the crosses you see people wearing? Some are simple while others are elaborate, some big and others very small. Some are made by actual nails being crossed while some have so many diamonds that the brightness can be blinding.
I have always been fascinated by the cross. If you really watch you can see a cross almost any where. Look up in the sky and you may see where two jet planes have crossed each others paths and their smoke makes a cross. I took a picture of a sunrise at the Dead Sea in Israel and the reflection of the sun and a small cloud crossing over made the sign of a cross. Wayne has posted that picture in his blog.
While we were at Golgotha we saw where the actual cross was supposed to be when Jesus was crucified on the cross. It was so hard to try to comprehend that HE, JESUS, really was nailed to that cross after being tormented and tortured. After seeing the movie "The Passion" I can really imagine how it may have been, knowing I cannot begin to comprehend what HE actually did for me while hanging on that cross.
The reason I have gotten into this subject is I went to see my brother this past weekend in Arkansas. It is the first time I had been up there since my mother had died. Bart had saved a few of her things and gave them to me. He handed me the little silver cross with the stones in it and said I had given it to mother. He said "yall must have gotten your wires crossed because she never would wear it". It caught me by surprise and I had to stop and think what he meant by that. Then I remembered. In fact I had been raised that way, you do not wear a cross of any kind around your neck, or have a picture of one or an actual cross anywhere to be seen. Certainly not if there was a statue of someone resembling Jesus.
Most of the people reading this probably still have their mouth wide opened in disbelief. My children probably wonder why I never shared this belief with them. Well, probably because they have seen me with a gold cross on a gold chain hanging around my neck for the past 23 years. In fact it is the only jewelry I wear.
When Susanne died May 24, 1985 as I have told you, I was devastated. It took me many years to come to terms with the fact that she was gone and I would never see her again on this earth.
The day I bought this cross and put it on it has been a constant reminder of who Jesus is, what He did for me, and that one day I will be with Him in heaven and I WILL see Susanne again.
To say that it is wrong to display a cross anywhere is like saying you are ashamed of the cross. I do not worship the cross, I love the cross. I wonder how Jesus feels when He sees someone that is too proper or too proud or too.....whatever...........that it keeps them from wanting to display a cross around their neck or on a key chain, or in a picture. I am so sorry that my mother never understood that the cross is not something to be hidden under a rug, or whispered about. The cross is a reminder of what Jesus did for each one of His children. Oh my how could things have gotten so crazy and manipulated that we would try to hide the one thing that God chose to be the base of our salvation.
The Bible says that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. We sing, "The Ole Rugged Cross", The Way of the Cross Leads Home, Beneath the Cross of Jesus, Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, etc. So there is no difference between my mothers cross and the cross I choose to wear every day except she wanted to hide hers and I want to keep mine close to my heart and be reminded daily of what Jesus did for me and that I will see my darling Susanne again.
1 comment:
Crosses have become a basic symbol of the Christian faith, and have been for about the last 1,500 years. However, it's interesting to me to know that the early church (for about 400 - 500 years after Christ ascended) did not have any affinity for the cross at all. To them, the central tenet of the Christian faith was the resurrection, not the death, of Jesus.
Today's Christians, I think, see the cross as a symbol that represents all of that together: death, burial, resurrection. It is a symbol of hope, of a debt paid, of an ultimate love.
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