and follow Ken wherever he goes............
They have a great time on their yearly bike trip....
This is her man! Ken...
This is her man! Ken...
You will call upon Me and go and pray to Me'
and I will listen to you,
You will seek Me and find Me, when you search
for Me with all your heart.
If I was able to share with those of you that read this how I decide on what I am going to write about you would probably laugh. Some days I will think on the subject for a long time, other times I will sit down and just start typing away. I wanted to write about my Bunni. I could write and write and tell you how special she is and I know that every parent that reads this would feel the same way about your daughter. I have written some about her and her family in this journal I am keeping. Touching on some of the highlights of the grandchildren and what a good mom she is.
Bunni and Jason have been there for me every time I needed someone. She never left me. There were times when I know she just couldn't handle any more and she would have to hide just to get her bearings again. I cannot begin to share with any of you how she and her precious husband, Ken, opened their home and family up to me after
I got my divorce. Jason and his sweet wife, Kim, have been a great support also. All of them have been so encouraging during this last year in my new life with Wayne and moving to Louisiana.
I lived with Bunnie and her family after I left Texas. I would stay
with my mom and sister in Mississippi for periods of time
but I always went back to Tennessee.
God used Bunni to get me out of a religious box I had been in
all my life. We never get to old that we cannot learn from
our children and I have learned a lot from my kids.
I was very bitter and negative when I moved in with them. How much fun could I have been? Mercy Me.!!!
So in her sweet way most of the time (ha) she would remind
me to try to speak positive. Whether it made things come to
pass quicker or not I am not sure but it certainly was more
pleasant to be around to listen to. No one wants to listen to
someone pick out all the negatives, tear down all the positives
and make sure no one is feeling good or happy.
I saw Bun and her family worshipping in church, truly worshipping, praising the Lord, with a smile on their face one minute
and a tear on their cheek the next. Raising their hands
to our Lord and thanking Him for all He had done for us.
To some of you I know this is not your way of worshipping and
\that is ok. All I can say is I have truly been released from
so many hangups that I had been bound with, most of
which were not even biblical.
They let me be a grandmother, full time which I was so thankful
for. Now that I am in a different season in my life, I thank God and Bun and Ken for sharing their lives with me. I know it was not easy
for them but they handled it very graciously and never
showed disrespect or anger towards me. There would be
times Bun would come to me and we would talk. Most of
the time she was right. I would just sort of shift into .....
a control know how us mothers and mother-in-laws
are capable of doing. THROUGH IT ALL they were loving and kind and never shut me out of any family functions ever. I was able to see all the kids ball games and plays and award days at school. They were the same with their father. He never showed much interest in attending the children's' ballgames and activities but to be fair he didn't live close at all. They would never have made him uncomfortable in any way when he did come to a few of the games in the early years of our divorce. The sad thing is the grandchildren don't really remember their grandfather because they don't get to see him hardly ever. Children forget so easily. That is why I am so appreciative of the fact that my children allowed me to be a big part of their lives while they were growing up. I can truly say all my grandchildren know their "Waner". They look upon Wayne as their grandfather and I am so thankful for that. They love it when we go to visit them. They would love for us to move over there and maybe one day we will.
I can't go to all their activities now because we are living in Baton Rouge. Wayne is so good to take me to Tennessee any time I want to go because he knows how much I love them all. Hopefully one day we will be able to attend ALL the grandchildren games and activities on both sides of the family. We both pray for that.
I have been so blessed by 2 children and their mates that have
loved me THROUGH IT ALL and I will always be thankful to God for that. So I try to remember that TODAY is a very special day because God has blessed me with another one.
I pray I will always be thankful for the blessings I have
and share with those who need to be blessed. Most of
the time it is a kind word or deed, a smile or a hug
that can be the biggest blessings.
Blessings to all of you!!!!
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