This modern technology is absolutely wonderful. I clicked on my computer and saw that my daughter, Bunni was on so I did the "Instant Messenger" thing and wa-la-------we were looking at each other on the screen and talking. That just amazes me. She called Brody over to the computer and he showed me his new violin. He is only 4 years old but he has always shown great interest in any kind of musical instrument, drums, horns, guitars and especially violins. He is now taking violin lessons and doing great. When I listen to the news now and I hear all the problems that is going on with Russia I just thank God for allowing this precious child to get out of that country before it shuts the doors again. Bunni and Ken have had Brody since he was 6 months old. I cannot tell you what a blessing Brody has been to all of us. The process was long, expensive and very time consuming on the part of Bunni and Ken. They went through many interviews, had to give all sorts of information on themselves and the rest of the family, two trips to Russia for about 2 weeks each trip.
I was not too eager for them to add another to the fold but now I thank God they did not listen to me. It is always better to follow God when He is speaking than your mom, always. I just wanted to share these few little pictures with all of you. There are many other children in Russia that are waiting to be adopted. I pray that they will be able to leave that country before a war really breaks out.
Being a grand mother is, I think, one of God's blessings for us. Thank you for sharing your Brodie with us. My life would not be as rich as it is if each little one had not come into it.
I too hope the small children of the world, in other countries as well as our own, who are faced with cruel uncertainty will be shown mercy by those of us who claim God's promises.
Thanks Alma. You are always so kind to respond when you read one of my blogs. I do appreciate your sweetness and honesty.
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