At first glance I just saw a mangled ole tree that was almost dead.
But then as I looked closer I saw green growing out at the tips of the branches. Then I saw something that resembled the face of a duck on the branch protruding from the center of the tree. Then I saw this silly stick person with hands and legs stretched out in all directions trying to run. There is something about this picture that just makes me smile. I guess maybe that is what it looks like to get old and running around in all directions, sort of straggly looking. This picture was taken at the State Capital Building grounds.
This picture made me think of how often we look at something first glance and just see a person that is tired and worn out. But if we will take a few more seconds we may see a person that has put in many many years of time and love and understanding into lots of people. The outside may be worn but the inside is beautiful. And in reverse the outside can be beautiful and the inside be in ruins. I am sure there is a scripture that fits the picture I am trying to paint here.
I was picturing Susanne with her little birthmark on her face. It covered half her face and most of the top and back of her head. When she was little it was so obvious. It was a deep dark red color. At first glance people would stare but as they got to know her it became almost invisible. They could see the little girl on the inside instead of the ugly birthmark on the outside.
Sometimes I think we need reminding to be a little more sensitive to those that seem to have more to deal with then we do. Overcoming any physical appearance or handicap is difficult to say the least. Most of the time those are the most beautiful.
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