Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pray For Those In the Storms Path

God Bless Our Loved Ones
Wayne and I have been here in the Smokey Mountains for 3 days and will be here another week or so. We did not know that a hurricane was coming and heading towards Baton Rouge at the time we left Baton Rouge. This trip has been planned for about 2 months.
Since we have been here at Bunni's we have found out that a dangerous storm by the name of Gustav is making it's way towards the southern Louisiana coastline. We feel so helpless because we are so far away. Sam, my cousin, has notified us that our church, Greenwell Springs Baptist Church , has been notified by the Red Cross that they will not be able to house 800 evacuees as they had planned because they themselves are in the major path of this dangerous storm. They are so disappointed because they wanted so much to assist their friends and neighbors in the southern area as best they could.
I have several cousins and an aunt that live just outside of Baton Rouge and all of Wayne's children and grandchildren live just outside of Hammond. They had all decided to stay at their homes and make the best preparations they possibly know how to make.
I also have family in southern Mississippi and do not know if they are in harm's way or not.
So I am asking all of you to be in prayer for all those that are in the path of this storm. If you have ever stayed and sat out one of those hurricanes you know the anguish and anxieties and fears that you experience.
Thank you so much for remembering all those in this storm and if you are able to assist in any way now or after the storm I know it will be greatly appreciated. God Bless All Of You.........

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