Jesus knew when He was carrying His cross on His back what was ahead
Him. He knew that in a short while He would be nailed to that cross to die.
He also knew His Father in Heaven. He trusted everything He had to the God of all, the Great "I AM" to fulfill his Word that had been prophesied for ages. He knew that God's Word was truth. He knew that He would be resurrected in three days and be in Heaven with His Father alive and well.
I don't know how many of us, even though we know the story, the beginning and the end could right now say......"Ok Lord, I truly believe that if I give my life to these crazy people and let them nail me to the cross that I will be resurrected in 3 days and be with you in heaven. Bring it on!!!!"
We speak faith and trust and belief in our Lord Jesus Christ but do we really mean it. Are we willing to accept God's Will when something happens to change our plans. Did we pray enough to know that we have given it ALL to HIM, to do with as He pleases.? Did we pray at all or did we pray OUR will and not give God permission to change our plans if He so chose to do so?
Have you ever wanted something so bad so very bad that you just couldn't say...."Ok God this is how I want it to be but if You have other plans so be it".
Have you ever truly had to face the fact that you could not truly 100 percent turn your children over to God, truly trusting their fate into HIS hands? No one can possibly love my children like I do.!
I can understand this type of thinking because at one point in my life I truly believed that. I know something inside of me knew this was wrong thinking but I could not truly with all that was within me turn my children over to God. I knew I could handle things, I would watch them closer than anyone, I would protect them from everything or I would just make them stay home where I could have total control of everything they were involved in, I had given birth to them and no one could love them as much as I did.
I had to go through a very tough lesson to become a true believer in God being a great guardian for my children, or should I dare go so far as to say "FATHER" to my children A Spiritual FATHER. Now when I look back I cannot believe I was so narrow minded and stupid. Yep, stupid. God made my children, He just used me as human instrument to let His children come into this world. He chose to BLESS me with HIS blessing. How cool is that.
When Susanne died and left this world to be with her FATHER I was devastated. But through all the pain and heartache and loneliness and guilt and all the other emotions that go with this type of sorrow God showed me how much He not only loved Susanne but me also. I learned how to truly trust,
TRUST God with everything. Every breath I take is a blessing. As I watched my sister dying with cancer I saw how precious each breath was. As I watch the beautiful world God has given us to enjoy I am so thankful for my eyesight and pray for my brother's eyes to be healed from glaucoma. I am praying for an 8 month old baby right now who will go to the doctor in the morning to see if she will have to continue chemo or if her eye will be removed due to cancer.
So I know that God has my children Bunnie and Jason, and their mates, Ken and Kim and their children, Chris, Jessica, Whitney, Chase, Kenny, Tori,Brody, Ryley and Josie in HIS HAND and that no one will snatch them from HIM. I also have an extended family now since Wayne and I have married and together we TRUST GOD to hold onto Laura, Amy, and Jennifer and their mates, Brad, Shane and Blake, and their children, Chelsea, Chloe, Gabe, Andie, Reagen, Scott, Tyler and Tanner and little Rylea. Isaiah 54:13 says, "All your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children." AMEN
There are some really really big problems out there. Not to mention nuclear war, recession, global warming, famines, earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts, etc.........if we really , really think about it, how foolish are we to think we can change any of these things without Our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS. We have no choice than to TRUST HIM with everything. EVERYTHING...........
So, take a deep breath, give it all to GOD, throw HIM a big kiss and thank HIM for all HE has done for you and your family and loved ones and go to bed and get a good night's sleep. After all, tomorrow is another day...............to TRUST AND BELIEVE.......................
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