Josie and Ryley
Kim and Bunnie
by Jason Parker
If you pray, pray to see with God's eyes. To see what He sees. This has changed the way everything looks to me.I have always considered pretty people to be pretty... just like the rest of the world. I have always thought a pretty sunset was pretty....just like everyone else thinks....you see where I am going with this. God sees what He has made, through His eyes. It is a totally different world to me. Even rainy days, and cold days, seem beautiful. But the people are what is the most different. I have always been a "nature" guy. I never really was a "people" guy.
My sister.... lets see if I can say this without offending her. She is more beautiful now than any other time in my life. God sees an absolute gorgeous woman, beautiful eyes, glowing hair, amazing smile, wonderful mother, great wife....etc. You probably see where I am going with this too. I always saw my big sister as a mother figure, always disappointed in me for my failures. I saw an uptight, semi-boring, rule follower. I still loved her.....she just wasn't GOD BEAUTIFUL. Now she is, and it makes me smile just to
think of her.
My wife...... I have been married almost 10 years. I haven't been the husband I should have been. I am blessed enough to have a wife that has given me time to get my act together....not that I have it ALL together, just that I am getting there. I thought of her as pretty, smart, and somewhat funny, when I met her. I always thought she was attractive on her good days...and the bad days....well, I still loved her.. ha ha... But really, I saw a good woman to marry........Now- I can't believe I have her. God sees an absolute brilliant woman who is very strong and independent. The perfect mother to the two perfect children God gave us. God showed me how lucky I am to have her and how much true MERCY I have in my life. God cares sooooooo very much about the little things in our life. If you can see what He sees, you realize that you deserve none of it. We don't deserve the breath that is in our body, or salvation. Back to my wife for one last thing.... Kimberly Sue Parker is the most beautiful woman in the world...... I miss her every time I
close my eyes.
I see my nieces and nephews in a different light now. . I always thought the tall one was pretty, the short one was cute, the littlest one as KID cute, etc...you know. Just like most people think of their relatives. Just being nice in most cases....But now, I see all this potential in every one of them. Kenny Jr. is and will continue to be great.... to be around, talk to, just in general. Tori, with one of the most beautiful names there ever was, Victoria Lynette, is stunningly beautiful, and she is still young. She has years left to show everyone how beautiful she is on the inside as well as on the outside. Brody is the pinnacle of what all men want to look like and what all women want to marry. Blonde hair, pretty eyes, great smile. He will be fine in life. Anyway, they just all seem to look different to me. All beautiful in God's eyes because he took special care and time to make each one of us to His exact specifications.
I love my family like I have never loved them before. If I have left anyone out, it is only because the reader of this is probably getting tired of me using the same words to describe everybody. This world, the animals, the people......God made us all for us all. We are to enjoy what He has given us, enjoy His presence in our everyday lives, enjoy friends, family, movies, and motorcycles........ha.......because He loves us so very much, He gave His Son, just to be with us. That is a love I finally have begun to see..... By the way, when you see what God sees, the mirror is not as scary as it used to be. Instead of seeing an overweight, long haired, needs to shave guy.....you see a child of God who is truly loved for being just who he is. Its great for the self esteem.
I have found out that by writing things out it just helps me to understand more clearly some of the things God is doing in my life. Mom has invited me to use her blog and share some of my thoughts with any of you that care to read this. She says that her writing helps her more than anyone and now I am beginning
to understand that.
I have not forgotten my other relatives that I feel so close to it is just that space is limited and I have to write all these thoughts down as I have time. So hopefully I will be adding to this again in the future. Thanks again for any of you that are reading this. It is a great thing to share with others what God is doing for you. later..............................
You had requested comments on The Stack on your blog. I can totally understand how difficult it would be for you to read this book after having lost a child. I cried when I read it and thought of you and other friends who have lost children. My comments on the book may be a little different. I would like to hear Wayne's take on it. On one hand, I find it to be touching, as I said, it did bring me to tears. On the other hand where was the reverence and awe of God and the Trinity? It broached subjects that are important and need to be written about, i.e., why does God allow these things happen, where is He in the midst of it, why doesn't he intervene, does He care? The book portrays an "Aunt Jemima" version of God who asks nothing from us. I am not legalistic and thank God that I am saved by grace, but also believe that God asks for our obedience, love, worship and praise. Jesus is not only our Savior, but our Lord.
I have to keep in mind that the book is fiction and not written as a theology book. I found the book to be entertaining, sad, uplifting and even confusing. I would recommend it to those who are well grounded in scripture.
Seeing "with God's eyes and feeling with God's heart" are very close to seeing and feeling with a mom's eyes and heart. I know how very much your "Abba Father" loves the man you are becoming and how much your family is blessed by your journey.
I thank God for sons such as you who have opened your eyes and heart to His knocking. Continue in your quest for Him and He will continue to lead you.
Thanks for writing.
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