Kenny, Tori, Bunni
Waner and Brody
Jason, Kim, Josie, Ryley
Jason, Wayne, Bunnie and Tori
Brody, Ryley, and Wa
Jason and Kim
Well, you can tell by looking at this family picture
we are in Tennessee. It is so very different from
our quiet life in our little apartment. Both have
their advantages. ha ha It is just so much fun
when we get to Bunnie and Ken's and Jason
and Kim and their children come over. They have
all disconnected their cable and only watch
select movies so there is no sitting around
on the sofa watching ballgames or sitcoms.
We had just finished eating dinner and I was
checking my email in the kitchen and there
were some funny things so I shared them
with everyone. We had such fun just laughing
and talking and enjoying the kids.
When Wayne and I drove up that afternoon
on our way up here, we pulled into the driveway,
Brody came running out of the garage and
went straight to Wayne's side of the car
anxious to hug his neck. At first I was a
little disappointed but then I thought how
special that was. Brody has not known a
grandfather on any side of any family. He is from
Russia and adopted and Wayne is the only grandfather
figure that is in his life on any regular basis.
Right now Jason, Bunni and Wayne are
sitting at the breakfast table have a great
conversation laughing and just enjoying
sharing. My children have accepted Wayne
into their world with no reservations. I am
so very thankful for that and I appreciate the
love and respect they show him all the time.
I will send more pictures as time goes on.
1 comment:
Thanks for the glimpses into the time spent with the loves of your life. I hope the entire visit is filled with laughter and memories, past and present.
Bailey and Kaela (our Wayne's girls) will be with us until the day after Christmas. All the kids and grand kids will be here to celebrate together this year.
May God bless all of you and give you a safe and happy time.
Merry Christmas to all
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