All of us have those "Special People" in our lives. The ones that have a special place in our heart and our thoughts. I guess the older I get the more I am reminded of how short this life on this earth is. I also realize how much time is wasted on things that just aren't important. I have been following several people that are critically ill and they have a web page on Caring Bridge. This is a wonderful network that allows the families of one that is seriously ill to stay in touch with friends and family to keep them updated on progress hopefully. There is a young woman named Michell Joyner who has been fighting leukemia for 2 years. The last few months have been so hard on her. She has had the transplant of bone marrow, gone through all the side affects and has been told today the leukemia is back. There is a one year old child named Mari who has gone through the chemo and radiation for months to finally have her eye removed but is now considered cancer free. A young mother of 4 who goes to our church in Greenwell Springs has been fighting breast cancer for the second time. She is so brave and faithful to our Lord believing Him for all His promises He has made her. Another woman in her mid 50's has just found out she has breast cancer and will undergo radiation next week. Now there is this precious young girl 23, who has taken ill and been in a coma since around January 12th of this year. She has gone through many procedures, ups and downs, as her family faithfully loves and supports her and lifts her up in prayers continuously. When you notice all this pain and suffering it makes you realize how very blessed we all are not to be going through any of these major illnesses with any of the "Special People" in our lives. We hurt with all these families and pray for all of them. And I thank God every day that I am not having to experience this pain or suffering. I have been in the place of knowing that my child was on life support, in a coma, responding to nothing or anyone. I have had to accept the fact that this was one of the times that God would not heal Susanne on this earth but her healing took place as He took her to heaven. I also know that there are no words to speak to anyone that is traveling down this road. We are told to believe what we pray for and that we should do so until there is no reason to believe any longer. We should never give up on God to heal our loved ones. We should never give up on God for any reason. Our lives are in His hands always. Life could end at any moment for any one of us, unexpectedly. Every moment that we have left on this earth should be spent in loving our Lord and His people, loving our neighbors and friends and yes even enemies. Love those "Special People" that are in your lives, forget the little petty things that take up so much air space. Most things are forgotten the next day anyway, harsh words, unforgiveness, meanness, etc. are not easily forgotten. A kind word, a prayer, a gift of food, money or clothing are never forgotten. A smile is a great gift to give every one, it generates another smile. A frown or hateful look causes pain and heartache. Which one would you rather be remembered for sharing. Tonight I thank my God for all my family and Wayne's family being well and healthy. That indeed is truly a blessing.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Eternity Is Forever
I woke up suddenly at
5 AM almost in a panic.
I must say I don't do
this very often Thank God! Eternity.."Eternity is a very long time. You cannot turn around and go back if you don't like it. Eternity is forever". "There is no changing your mind once you have gone into eternity." Not an earth shattering statement to Christians that know and understand the Lord and His promise. Heaven and Hell, we all know the story. This morning was like the first time I had heard this, there was an urgency about this that I thought I already knew and understood. Maybe God wants us to be SURE that we understand the true meaning of "ETERNITY". Up until we experience death we can change our eternal state, we can choose to accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour and live with Him eternally. On the other hand we can choose to ignore the invitation that is ours for the taking and forever be hell bound, NEVER to be able to change or go back. It is important that we tell everyone we know exactly what ETERNITY really means. We are God's messengers.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Where My Heart Is Today
This morning I have started my day with my grandchildren on my heart. I don't consciously pick every day what I think I want to keep my thoughts on, it just sort of happens. Today I awoke thinking of
the children wondering what they would be doing today and how they all were. That usually means it is time for another visit to Tennessee. When you see each one of these precious children you see different things, age differences, appearance differences and once you get to know them you see character differences, different personalities, preferences and abilities. I have been so very blessed with my children, Bunni and Jason and so blessed with all my grandchildren. So today I am going to ask God to help me be a blessing to someone else's child today. I can't be with mine but if a door opens that I can be with another child I pray that God will use me to be a blessing to them. Then I know that God will send people to my grandchildren to be there for them in different ways. God is so good that way. The roads just cross over in many ways to reach everyone, God loves us all and provides for us all. Have a blessed day.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Celebration of Brody's 5 years With Us!

What a celebration! This young man is now 5 years
0ld and turning into quite a young man. This child
was born on the other side of the world, somewhere
in Russia in 2004. Bun and Ken must be commended
on their persistence to persue bringing this child
home with them. God amazes me how He can
plan years ahead of time while we are in our
own little world the future of one little child.
Brody has touched more hearts than he will
ever know. Mine has been changed completely
since he came into my world. Can you
remember when you were expecting your second
child how you wondered how in the world you
could love another as much as you did your
first child? Bun and Ken already had a quiver
full and now they were CHOOSING to bring
another into their home. Well, my dear
friends Brody was absolutely the icing on
the cake. He has filled every little space that
was empty. There is Chris, Whitney, Kenny
Tori, then Jason's two children, Ryley and
Josie. All these children I love with all
my heart and thank God for them every day. Now
I give thanks to God for Brody! When I thought
I couldn't deal with another, (like it was my choice to
make to begin with) God opened the hearts of all of us
and introduced this precious baby, Brody at 6 months
of age. Bun and Ken have been wonderful parents
to this child, the kids have been wonderful siblings
and his aunt and uncle have been great. My
heart sometimes feels as though it will
explode from all the love I have for all my
children and grandchildren and I now know
that there is always a reservoir of love put
aside for whomever God chooses to put
into your life.
Happy Birthday Brody!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Precious Donna
I f God was to ask me "LaJuanah who do you think
is able to truly identify with my definition of LOVE?
I could immediately say, "Lord, my dear sweet cousin,
Donna, can truly identify with your definition of LOVE!
I have known many people who have a sweet spirit,
and loving nature and desire to be helpful and
minister to others as they have needs. But I can
truly say that Sweet Precious Donna is truly a
great example of one that loves unconditionally.
She has such a great gift of discernment, reaching
out to all those that she sees has a need, a hurt or
is lonely or depressed. Your WORD says:
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous,
loves does not brag and is not arrogant,
Love does not act unbecomingly, it does not
seek it's own is not provoked, does not
take into account a wrong suffered,
does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but
rejoices with the truth'
bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
Lord, Donna is all
these things, always doing
and never asking or expecting
anything in return.
My prayer for Donna is that
you will pour out Your blessings
upon her so that her cup runneth over.
Thank you Lord!
Wise Words God has left us, we just
need to take these Words to heart
and apply them.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Another New Beginning
For Wayne and I "In The Beginning" was
a very long time ago, 46 years to be exact. We
had one beginning that lasted about a year and
a half and then it was abruptly stopped!
Immaturity, fear of the unknown, believing
what others were telling us scared us
into making decisions that we now
know were the wrong decisions!
However, we are now in the process
of having a new beginning in many ways.
We are enjoying setting up house in
a quaint little frame house on the outskirts
of Hammond. It has great potential, I think.
Since this is one of two homes we have, the other
being in NE Tenn we have chosen to
keep everything small and low maintenance.
It has been such fun and a wonderful
experience fixing this little house
up. I am so looking forward to
doing the garage sales and antique
shops. We are looking forward to many
days of living and serving the Lord for
as much time as He sees fit to bless
us with.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
By His Stripes We Are Healed
ISAIAH 53: 4-5
Surely HE hath borne our griefs,
and carried our sorrows; yet
we did esteem HIM stricken,
smitten of God, and afflicted.
But HE was wounded for our
transgressions, HE was bruised
for our iniquities, the
chastisement of our peace was
upon HIM, and with HIS stripes
we are healed!
God's Word is TRUTH, and today
God's Word is TRUTH, and today
I am claiming this promise of HIS
for Whitney. Yesterday she was
rushed to the hospital in severe
pain in her abdomen. The doctors
have not pinpointed the problem but
believe it could be ovarian problems
or appendix. Whatever it is her
family and I are standing on the
promises of God and proclaiming
her healing. We would certainly
appreciate all of your prayers for
her healing. She has gone home
for observation. Since Ken is
and ER doctor they felt it was
ok for her to rest at home until
further treatment was decided.
I will write later on her progress.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Basket Full of Memories!
My Whitney gave me a very unique gift
this Christmas. Whitney and I go
way back to the day she was born.
God gave her to me 3 years after Susanne
had gone home to be with Jesus. Whitney
was the beginning of my healing!. When
I opened this gift, the little brown basket
I was so moved by what I saw. It was small
pieces of paper with a special memory
written on each one. As I read them
out loud I couldn't help but shed some
tears because she reminded me of
things I had forgotten. She also
listed the memories that have just
been made in the past year and a half
with Wayne. She has accepted
Wayne as her grandfather
unconditionally and I love
her so for being able to
do that. She is indeed a very
special unique granddaughter
if I do say so myself. Thank
you Lord for Whitney and all
my children and grandchildren.
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