Our trip to Houston before "Ike"

I just wanted to take this time to share some pictures with all my family and friends that read this little blog faithfully. Wayne and I visited with Alma and Les and their family about two months ago in Houston. Alma is Wayne's sister. We had such a wonderful time. The places that are seen in this blog all except the family picture were taken in Galveston. Alma tells us that these places do not exist any longer. That is so sad. I am so glad that I took these pictures. Her two daughters Connie and Toni both suffered great loss in their homes from the storms. I would like to ask anyone reading this to please keep Alma and Les and their family in your prayers. There are thousands of people that have suffered tremendously from these last two hurricanes.
Alma is such a sweety. Complain she hasn't, moaned and asked "why me or mine" she hasn't, cried and wanted to give up she hasn't. She is one tough lady who just keeps on "going" like the little bunny rabbit on tv. If ever there was a story to tell she could tell it. I am not sure how long ago but she had a kidney transplant after being on dialysis for a long time. She is a diabetic and on insulin continuously. She has a heart of gold, will forgive anyone for anything and most of all loves the Lord with all her heart. Wayne and I thank God for putting Alma and Les into our lives and we treasure their friendship dearly. Family is a very very important thing. Don't let things or situations separate you from the ones that truly love you. Wayne and Alma were separated for many years. Without Wayne's knowledge Alma was asked to get out of Wayne's life and leave him alone. She tried to contact him many times after that but the letters never reached him nor did the phone calls. Wayne has now been reunited to his precious little sister and is so thankful that she understands and forgives him. We wish them the very best and pray for a quick recovery for all of their family in Houston. God Bless you .......................
1 comment:
You are way to gracious. God blessed me with two brothers the day I was born. One six years older and one to come two years after me. They are and have always been "in my blood" so to speak. I love them and anyone they love. Not to say we haven't been frustrated with each other a time or two in all these years but that too runs in our blood. Frustration I mean. (lol) We were all three blessed with loving and supportative parents and grand parents. I only hope to be the same.
When I look back over my life all I can say is God has put people in my life and blessed me with them. We have had wonderful church families here in Houston for 22+ years and were blessed with the same prior to these years. We are proof of love, grace and forgiveness.
To all who do read this blog, Laj is right, use every minute God blesses you with to build relationships with Him and those you love. Don't waste the precious time He has given you. I've read "They will know you by your love". Thanks, Laj for you sweet spirit.
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