Susanne in 1985
Day of Jason's Wedding to Kim
Day at the aquarium
July 4, 2008
Day at the aquarium
July 4, 2008
This is the day the Lord has made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it.
Today I have been brought back to memory lane. The place where we sometimes are taken by circumstance not by choice. I awoke this morning with such a heaviness in my heart. At that first eye opening moment I knew that there was something different, unpleasant, but it took me a second to be reminded. Then it came to me. A couple in our church had been notified of the death of their son. He had been killed in a car accident in Chicago and had died on the operating table. Our prayers are with this family as they travel down this long, lonely, painful road.
I am always so touched whenever I hear about someone that is having to go through such loss and pain. If you remember when I started to blog at the very beginning it was to help me remember things that I just pushed aside after my daughter, Susanne, died. It is such a lonely, painful road to travel after you lose a child. I can truly say that by the GRACE of God did I get this far in life.
I am so reminded of the blessings I still have on this earth, Bunni and Jason. There is no way I can describe the love I have for these two grown children of mine. I thank God every day for blessing me with them. In return they have blessed me with wonderful mates and beautiful grandchildren.
I don't know why God allows such tragedy to touch our lives. There are so many trials that we all go through. Some worse than others. Sometimes I try to make sense of some of this but you can't make any sense out of the loss of a child. Only God knows why He has allowed such a thing to occur so therefore we can only trust in God's judgement, even though we may not agree with it.
I do know though, that every time I experience this pain with someone else I am reminded to be so thankful for the children I have still with me. To never take one moment for granted. To tell them often how much I love them, show them as much as I can and be there for them whenever they may need me.
My prayer for Bunni and Jason has been:
SHALL BE THE PEACE OF MY CHILDREN.....................
Words are inadequate to try to tell them how much I love them. I pray God understands how grateful I am for them. After 22 years of Susanne being gone, I now know that I am closer than ever to seeing her again and I do so look forward to it. But until that day comes, I pray God will give me the wisdom and understanding and love to be all I can be to Bunni and Jason.