Monday, October 27, 2008

So Precious To Me

Susanne in 1985
Day of Jason's Wedding to Kim

Day at the aquarium

July 4, 2008

One evening in August, 2008

This is the day the Lord has made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Today I have been brought back to memory lane. The place where we sometimes are taken by circumstance not by choice. I awoke this morning with such a heaviness in my heart. At that first eye opening moment I knew that there was something different, unpleasant, but it took me a second to be reminded. Then it came to me. A couple in our church had been notified of the death of their son. He had been killed in a car accident in Chicago and had died on the operating table. Our prayers are with this family as they travel down this long, lonely, painful road.


I am always so touched whenever I hear about someone that is having to go through such loss and pain. If you remember when I started to blog at the very beginning it was to help me remember things that I just pushed aside after my daughter, Susanne, died. It is such a lonely, painful road to travel after you lose a child. I can truly say that by the GRACE of God did I get this far in life.

I am so reminded of the blessings I still have on this earth, Bunni and Jason. There is no way I can describe the love I have for these two grown children of mine. I thank God every day for blessing me with them. In return they have blessed me with wonderful mates and beautiful grandchildren.

I don't know why God allows such tragedy to touch our lives. There are so many trials that we all go through. Some worse than others. Sometimes I try to make sense of some of this but you can't make any sense out of the loss of a child. Only God knows why He has allowed such a thing to occur so therefore we can only trust in God's judgement, even though we may not agree with it.


I do know though, that every time I experience this pain with someone else I am reminded to be so thankful for the children I have still with me. To never take one moment for granted. To tell them often how much I love them, show them as much as I can and be there for them whenever they may need me.


My prayer for Bunni and Jason has been:



SHALL BE THE PEACE OF MY CHILDREN.....................


Words are inadequate to try to tell them how much I love them. I pray God understands how grateful I am for them. After 22 years of Susanne being gone, I now know that I am closer than ever to seeing her again and I do so look forward to it. But until that day comes, I pray God will give me the wisdom and understanding and love to be all I can be to Bunni and Jason.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Lean not to your own understanding
But in all your ways acknowledge Him
And He shall direct your path.
This is what came to my mind as I looked at
this tree in our backyard.
Someone had put these concrete hands
and a ceramic blue bird in the tree.
It reminded me of the courage a little
bird must have to jump out of a tree
believing he can fly. But the hands
show a safety net if you will, just in
case he needs encouragement.
"Jump little bird if you wish, and
I will be here to catch you if you fall."
I know that my Jesus has me in
His right hand and that no man
can take me from Him.
What a promise!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Louisiana Art

Beautiful Moss Covered Trees
Natalbany River, Springfield, La.
Statues abound......
If you will click on each of these pictures
you will truly get a much clearer view. As
Wayne and I were riding around enjoying
the beautiful country side we came upon
this area of Louisiana. Needless to say
I could not let this go by without
capturing the beauty that is in each
There just isn't
much more I can say to add to this.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Josie Grace

Celebrating July 4th!!!!!!
My Bestest Friends, Brody and Paisley

I Like My Hair This Way!
This Is Pretty Cool Too!

Everyone says I look like my Mom!!!!

Wa says I have to smell these things!

I love playing outside.........

Isn't this a sweet smile?

This is really a good hair day!!

Well, here goes...........this is the hardest blog I have had
to do. The reason being is Josie Grace and I have
not spent the time together that I have with the other
grandchildren. She has another grandmother that
gets her every chance she can. ha ha I can't say
that I blame her. Josie has this look that makes me
wonder "What in the world is that child thinking?".
She has such a serious look many times and it
is almost like she can read my thoughts. ha ha
Josie and Brody have such a good friendship. They
play so well when they are together. She is one year
older than Brody so she pretty much controls the
rules to any game they may be playing. She got him
to dress up in one of her little princess dresses one day.
Jason took a picture and sent it to his dad, Ken. Needless
to say Ken texted back and said" stop, stop it now".....
So we got them playing something else.
Although she goes in Brody's room and plays trains, and
cars and beats on the drums and plays the guitars.
Her mom is homeschooling her this year. She is in
kindergarten. Kim told me she was so far ahead in
all her lessons already. She is a very smart little girl,
Really she is. When she was much smaller she had
a small security blanket that went every where Josie
went. I sewed that little thing together so many times,
it was just a piece of satin material with stitching
in every direction. Eventually her mom bought her
another one and convinced her to swap with her.
That wasn't easy.
I remember one time Josie was a very sick little
girl and was coughing continuously. She could not
sleep at night. Jason, sat up in a chair and let her
sleep in his lap, several nights in a row until she
was feeling better. He has done this several times
since because of this allergy problem she has. But
the first time he did this he and Josie formed this
special relationship. She is definitely his little
girl..................... That blesses me so when I think
about that.
Ok Josie, how did I do. This lets me know you and
I have got to spend more time together that is
all there is to it. I love you little girl, and miss
you very much. Love

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Special Birdhouse

Let's play Frisbee Dad!!!
Special Suit of Armor hand made by Ryley, with no pattern and no instructions...........very impressive!

Ryley loves his mom,

I don't know what to paint!!!!!


Communion Cups from Jesus Tomb

Birdhouse from my grandson Ryley

I just wanted to share this little

house with you. Ryley

made this for me and painted

it before I moved from Tennessee.

We put it outside in hopes a bird

would make a nest in it but no such

luck. The wind blew it down one day

and Wayne picked it up and brought

it inside and glued it back together again.

I decided then that this little house was

too special to leave outside in the weather

so now it sits in our little dining area where

I can see it every day and remember how special

it is because of who gave it to me. Ryley,

thanks Ryley again. Check out the pictures

I have added Ryley. Let me know if this

is enough. You are a very smart young

man and I am proud of you.

I love you and miss you.


Thursday, October 2, 2008


Peace, tranquility, joy, love?
New Beginnings
Cool, Calm
Fancy, Fancy..........

Precious memories

Mission Possible
Dream Come True
Wonderous Blessings of God
God Knows where everyone of these birds are!!!!!

What did you see in these houses at first glance. As soon as you look at one picture you automatically think you know what must be living inside the dwelling. Of course, the bird house, port a potty and barn are pretty self explanatory, even the church one might think is full of perfect, happy saved people. That would be wonderful if it were the truth, but who is to be in a position to make that judgement.

As for the other dwellings, they are homes of some of my family members. One of the homes was the home that Wayne's father lived in all his life and no longer stands. A niece's home, a brother in law, a daughter and an apartment. There is also a huge gorgeous home that resembles a castle. Well, sorry to say none of my family or Wayne's live in that mansion.
Sometimes I think we may look at people the same way.
What we see on the outside of a person is not an accurate
picture of that person. Some people are very good at
concealing their emotions from those around them.
So I am going to try to not be so quick to form an
opinion of someone just by the way they
appear on the surface. Everyone
wants to be loved and needed
and forgiven and accepted.
Life is so short on this
earth, I pray I can
spend what time I
have left serving
my Lord in a
way that is
to HIM.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Whitney #1 in Conference

Sorry Whit, this is the only picture I have but I think
you are ok sharing with your dad and sister.
I am so proud of you to be
#1 in your conference. Even though I don't understand all
the different K E T and whatever those
letters stand for, I know you are good. I am
listing the stats so those interested can go
to the web page and get the stats.
Congratulations, Sweetie, so proud of you.

# 21 Whitney Turner

Position: MB
Hometown: Jonesborough, TN
Height: 6'2


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