Friday, July 10, 2009


Well, if you thought you were going to get a great revelation I apologize. I think about this a lot, wondering WHY? About the only conclusion I can come up with is if God is involved we don't always have a PAT answer. In fact most times NOT!


We can look at others and see the things that they have gone through and wondered how did they do that? Anyone that knows Jesus as their Saviour knows that we do all things because of the GRACE of GOD.! He is our strength.


But WHY does GOD allow such painful,hurtful things to happen, even to His children? I can only tell you what I think, which is worth about zero cents in spiritual money.


When we are driving down the highway and we come across a wreck, we automatically slow down, knowing we too were driving too fast. When someone gets lung cancer we start thinking about how long we smoked and should we stop, or someone loses a child and we start really paying closer attention to our own children, or we see someones son becoming an alcoholic or daughter becoming a drug addict...........I could go on and on. After each one of these instances cross our lives we take action usually immediately, but as human beings we eventually forget the seriousness of the deed and go back to our old ways of doing and thinking.


There are a lot of us that are not motivated enough to stay focused to do what God instructed us to do on a daily basis. Be fishers of men, go out into the world and feed my sheep, turn the other cheek, give your last coat to someone who has none, FORGIVE, LOVE and Jesus goes on and on in HIS WORD.


If our world is not rocked.........we tend to stay where we are, content in our little world, minding our own business and hoping no one intrudes.


That my friend is why I think God allows things to happen to people. We have such short attention spans we need constantly reminding that there are people out there that need us, but most of all need Jesus. Get up off your whatever and look around, everyone in your family maybe just hunky dorey right now and Praise God if that is the case. More reason to find a way to be a blessing to someone else. But if you have gone through a tragedy or maybe witnessing a life that is being destroyed by outside sources or substances, find a way to help. Ask God and He will point you to a place that needs many people like you that want to help others find Jesus and peace.


I am reminded that I need to get off my royals and find the place God has for me to be a servant to others. I know God will show me and I pray He will show you also. God is good, He just loves us so much He is willing to let us help HIM touch others. God Bless you and yours,


alma said...

You are right lady. We might consider it a tap on the shoulder or slap on the rump. He will get our attention. But maybe sometimes things happen for eternal reasons, not earthly ones. Often I think we forget this place is not our home and His focus is Kingdom wide, not earthly narrow. Thanks for comming back to your blog, I have missed you.
Love ya,

alma said...

This is a test of the bloggers posting abilities. I think we have the same blog site.