Thursday, October 2, 2008


Peace, tranquility, joy, love?
New Beginnings
Cool, Calm
Fancy, Fancy..........

Precious memories

Mission Possible
Dream Come True
Wonderous Blessings of God
God Knows where everyone of these birds are!!!!!

What did you see in these houses at first glance. As soon as you look at one picture you automatically think you know what must be living inside the dwelling. Of course, the bird house, port a potty and barn are pretty self explanatory, even the church one might think is full of perfect, happy saved people. That would be wonderful if it were the truth, but who is to be in a position to make that judgement.

As for the other dwellings, they are homes of some of my family members. One of the homes was the home that Wayne's father lived in all his life and no longer stands. A niece's home, a brother in law, a daughter and an apartment. There is also a huge gorgeous home that resembles a castle. Well, sorry to say none of my family or Wayne's live in that mansion.
Sometimes I think we may look at people the same way.
What we see on the outside of a person is not an accurate
picture of that person. Some people are very good at
concealing their emotions from those around them.
So I am going to try to not be so quick to form an
opinion of someone just by the way they
appear on the surface. Everyone
wants to be loved and needed
and forgiven and accepted.
Life is so short on this
earth, I pray I can
spend what time I
have left serving
my Lord in a
way that is
to HIM.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH - I liked that one Mom! Keep it up.

Love, Bun